المرتجی موقع المهدویة لمعرفة الامام المهدی

Category - In Imam al-Mahdi’s Presence

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Charitable contributions

Imam Al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, said:

We have not neglected your care and supervision and we have not forgotten your mention

Al-Murtaja site is a multidimensional site that has been established to spread the culture of Mahdism and the knowledge of Imam Mahdi (A.S). It is a group of people who continue this path with the help of the benefactors and lovers of Imam Mahdi. We receive your help in this divine journey in the following ways:

Account Number

Donation card number

Named « Ali Taati » , group manager

to contact the group manager

All rights of Al-Mortaja website reserved for the Cultural Foundation of the Promised Mehdi (as) of Khuzestan, Omidiyeh