المرتجی موقع المهدویة لمعرفة الامام المهدی

Uthmān Bin Sa’id

He was the first of the Four Special Depu- Due to fear of the Abbasid caliphs, he ties of Imam al-Mahdi. The Special Depu- concealed all money and put in his oil ties are those who, during the Minor Oc- barrels and in this way, he could safely cultation of the Imam, were in charge of deliver everything to Imam al-‘Askarī. the responsibility to supervise Shia society.

To be the deputy of three last Imams

Uthmān’s cognomen is Abu ‘Amr and his title is al-Amrī. He was from Asad Uthmān bin Sa’īd was the deputy of both, tribe and lived in Samarra (a town in Iraq

Imam al-Hādī (the tenth Imam) and Imam where a big garrison had been built there al-Askari. Then, he was chosen by Imam in) so, sometimes people called him al-Askrī as the deputy of Imam al-Mahdi Askarī because the word “Askar”, in at the presence of forty individuals of his Arabic, means garrison. Due to his Shi’a.2 vocation, he was called Samman that in The renowned Shiite scholar, Sheikh MuArabic refers to a person who transacts oil.

hammad bin al-Hassan al-Tusi records in He had a very ingenious talent in doing his illustrious book, al-Ghaybah that his responsibilities.

He was appointed by Imam al-Hādī and Imam al-‘Askarī have Imam al-‘Askari (the eleventh Imam) to spoken highly of him and he was their collect the money (Khoms and Zakāh) most trusted companion. Sheikh from Shias.

al-Tūsīstates that at the tender age of 11 1. Al-Ghaibah, By al-Shaikh al-Tusi, p. 354.

  1. Ibid, p.357 3. Ibid, p.353.


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