Because of Nasr’s profound belief in the Islamic and Shi’ah culture, he has written extensively about Islamic civilization, philosophy and mysticism, the relationship between spirituality, sacred issues and the Islamic world, the relationship between Muslim youth and western culture, and relations between western civilization and the Islamic world.
The Heart of Islam is one of his recent works concerning Islam, which is written after the Zionist-Eurocentric anti-Islamic propaganda and activities following the collapse of the American World Trade Centre. In this book, Nasr introduces Islamic culture and civilization, various Islamic parties, their opinions, and other Muslim philosophical principles, and which is unrivalled when compared to the books of the same genre written by western scholars such as Hamilton Gibb, Annemarie Schemmil, Darmesteter, and Margoliouth.
Beside writing several books about Islam and Islamic civilization, he is the source of much scholarly research and many books about Islamic civilization and Shi’ah culture. He has taught and guided numerous students from different Islamic countries and paved the way for important researchers regarding knowledge of Islam and its sciences.
For example, when American scholar, Kenneth Cragg, asked him to prepare three books about Shi’ah Islam for the Colgate University, which deals with comparative stud of religions, Dr. Nasr took the responsibility upon himself and became the agency for writing Qur’an in Islam, Shi’ah in Islam and A Selection of Shi’ah Traditions by Allamah Tabataba’i, subsequently translating the first two into English, while his student, William Chittick, followed suit with A Selection of Shi’ah Traditions; these books are the first works about the Twelver Shi’ah translated into the English language. Seyyed Hossein Nasr has written extensively and many of his works have been translated into Farsi and other languages.
In addition to the said writings of his own authorship, he has corrected mystical and philosophical books on Islamic culture, which should be listed under a separate heading; he has also written many books, essays and lectures which have not been translated to Farsi yet.
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